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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Unique! Engraving Art Famous Faces footballer Above Egg

unique creations, Unique Paintings
unique creations, Unique Paintings
unique creations, Unique Paintings
unique creations, Unique Paintings

unique creations, Unique PaintingsIf someone is fond of something, anything would be done. Including this one artist, Huaping Wang, a Chinese artist who is very fond of football. A unique, Huaping has its own way of celebrating the 2010 World Cup yesterday. With a chisel with his expertise, Huaping carve the faces of famous soccer players in the top surface of the egg.

So far hundreds of eggs that Huaping carving. He exhibited in his hometown, namely Tianjin. And now a collection of his art more and more with the appearance of the faces of famous soccer players like Lionel Messi, David Beckham, or David Villa. In fact, he also carved Zakumi, mascot of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

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